BDK (Biuro Dźwięku Katowice / Department of Sound Katowice), Microresidency #24 BDK, Microresidency #24 public presentation (Katowice/Poland, December 15, 2023, 7:00 p.m.)
The main role is played by office plants, which are an inspiration and a formal basis for the audiovisual composition. The result was an interactive (controlled via phones) - and at the same time interpassive - multichannel sound and light installation composed on the basis of methods and algorithms created (and later described in the famous "The Algorithmic Beauty of Plants") by the Hungarian pioneer of computational and algorithmic biology - Aristid Lindenmayer. The physical layout of the installation refers to crazy prescientific traditions, such as the Kabbalistic "tree of life" - today disturbingly associated with the topologies of neural networks. The artistic micro-residencies of the Katowice Sound Office are a series of five-day studio visits initiated in 2016, during which the invited artist prepares a special concert/radio play for a multi-channel sound system. Each residency ends with a presentation with the audience. Department of Sound Katowice – founded in 2014 is a socio-educational project under the direction and curatorship of Piotr Ceglarek and Zuzanna Waltoś, dedicated to promoting unconventional, expanded methods of sound production and reception, as well as the exchange of knowledge and experience between audiences and invited artists. Over the years, the project has carried out a number of activities to support the development of the local electronic music scene, including workshops, collaborative concert sessions, outdoor events, quadraphonic experiments and the Microresidency programme. |